Open lesson of pedagogy

13 лютого 2020

Introduction of innovative forms and technologies of teaching is one of the leading tasks of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management.

On February 13, 2020, an open pedagogical class was held jointly by Professor O.M. Kobernyk. and associate professor Prishchepa S.M., on the topic “Forms of organization of teaching at school” for students of the second year of the Faculty of Foreign Philology.

Classes were held in the form of a binary lecture, which helped to stimulate attention and stimulate students’ interest in the material and aroused wide interest of the teachers present at it.

The high methodical level of the lecture was ensured by the clear original structure of the class, when the material was submitted in turn by the teachers, dosed with interrelated parts. Interestingly selected theoretical and factual material for the lecture, the original presentation was successfully complemented by visualization in the form of a multimedia presentation. Well-organized communication with the audience served to create a favorable psychological climate in the classroom, which contributed to the high activity of students.

Teachers who attended the open class received emotional and “academic satisfaction” and expressed their gratitude to their colleagues for the opportunity to gain new experience.

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