Завершили роботу курси підвищення кваліфікації зі спеціальності 073 Менеджмент галузі знань

5 березня 2020

The Faculty of Social and Psychological Education completed the advanced training courses in the specialty 073 Knowledge Management.

The program of the courses provided: scientific, creative understanding of the purpose and tasks of functioning and prospects of development of educational establishments, knowledge of the essence of innovative theories, modern technologies, introduction of them into the educational process, as well as increase of methodological and practical levels of professional competence of heads of educational establishments, development of organizational abilities, development of organizational abilities. , creative, analytical thinking and fostering the ability to create a psychologically comfortable atmosphere and maintain a spirit of partnership in an educational setting.

In connection with the end of the term of study and successful fulfillment of the bulk load in the advanced training courses, from 03/02/2020 to 03/03/2020 specialty 073 Management of the branch of knowledge of the Paul Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, certificates of the established sample were issued to the students for directions:

– Head of educational institution;

– Deputy Head of Education Institution.

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