Through the glass ceiling along with the gender center

20 вересня 2019

The Gender Center presented to the students a new methodological development – an interactive board game “Through the Glass Ceiling”.

Glass Ceilings are invisible and formally undefined barriers to women’s careers. These obstacles are due to both gender stereotypes about second-hand, women’s inferiority, limited ability, and the fear of success imposed on girls by society from childhood.

The game is designed for a wide range: for students, it is an opportunity to shift the focus of attention from existing gender stereotypes to historical events caused by women’s struggle for their rights, which have shaped the modern society. The playing field and cards reflect the following events and allow the game to be played in different formats: quizzes, debates, discussions, team or individual competitions.

The results and impressions confirmed that the game training “Through the Glass Ceilings” can be an effective tool for forming a conscious view of the rights and opportunities of women and men as a guarantee of sustainable development of society.

Achieving true gender equality is one of the priorities of the international community, but despite some achievements, the “glass ceiling” still exists in the public consciousness and does not allow women to move on with career ladders, access to resources and decision-making levels.

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