Lecture with elements of training technologies on the topic: “Methods of work with fractal drawing”

18 листопада 2019

University psychologist Tsikhony Svetlana Dmitrievna in collaboration with a student of the first year of magistracy, a participant of the Center for professional diagnostics, consulting and training technologies “Insight” Varivoda Andriy gave a lecture with the elements of training technologies on the topic: “Methodology of drawing”

The participants of the meeting were able to get a lot of information to expand their horizons, enjoy examples of fractal art, music, graphic design, and, of course, to get acquainted with their impact on the human psyche. In addition, fractal manifestations of our psyche, mechanisms and patterns of formation of non-adaptive patterns of behavior were investigated, several theories were analyzed, including the theory of happiness and basic principles of fractal analysis.

In the second half of the class, students with enthusiasm learned the technique of working with fractal drawing. During the practical part of the lecture, specially selected compositions sounded, inclining to search for inner harmony, gradual immersion in one’s thoughts and feelings.

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