Presentation of the work of the center “Without barriers”

13 вересня 2019

The Scientific and Practical Center for Social and Educational Integration and Inclusive Rehabilitation and Social Tourism “Without Barriers” operates on the basis of the FSPO.
The first year students were introduced to the establishment and activities of the Scientific and Practical Center, namely to consolidate the efforts of the relevant structural units of the University, the involved executive bodies and public organizations aimed at social and pedagogical support of persons with disabilities in their adaptation to the student community , integration into the educational and social environment, creating conditions for self-development and self-realization, development of social activity, autonomy, responsibly disability and mobility.

And the tasks of the project:

  • ensure the rights of young people with functional limitations to receive education in the conditions of educational institutions in a complex combination with corrective and rehabilitation measures;
  • versatile development of a young person’s personality based on the identification of their inclinations and abilities, formation of interests and needs;
  • preserving and enhancing students’ moral and physical health;
  • fostering in young people the love of work, the implementation of their pre-professional training, providing the conditions for their life and professional self-determination;
  • education of the individual as a cultural and moral person with an ethical attitude to the world and himself;
  • providing in the process of education and training of qualified psychological-medical-pedagogical help taking into account the state of health, peculiarities of psychophysical development of the young person.

We are all different, but we are all equal!