Open Interdisciplinary Summary Lecture

17 лютого 2020

Cross-curricular integration in the study of psychological and pedagogical disciplines is an important part of the training of future educators. The use of interdisciplinary interaction enables to ensure the content of the disciplines, to synthesize them into a coherent system, to integrate knowledge and skills from different fields of science. To this end, on February 14, 2020, associate professors of the Faculty of Social and Psychological Education Dikhtyarenko S.Y., Stetsenko N.M. and Tkachuk L.V. , Mathematics and Informatics on the theme: “Laws and Principles of Learning”.

In the course of discussing the new material, the lecturers intensified the students’ knowledge gained in previous classes in the courses Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Psychology. There is a clear structure and dynamics of the lecture, the ability to keep students’ attention throughout the lecture. The problematic questions suggested by the teachers prompted students to express their own opinions. Submitted material was well supported by quotations from prominent educators, life examples and humor, which fostered an atmosphere of benevolence and respect and, as a consequence, easy and thorough assimilation of the topic.

The associate professors of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management Stetsenko N.M. and Tkachuk L.V. and the Department of Psychology Dikhtarenko S.Y. demonstrated a high level of professional skill. Perfect mastery of teaching methods, skillful use of appropriate forms of work and visual materials did not leave indifferent students and teachers present. Colleagues present at the public lecture express their gratitude for the opportunity to acquire interesting professional experience.

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