SCIENTIFIC-PRACTICAL SEMINAR “Modern requirements to publish articles in scientometric publications. How to prepare, present and finalize articles »

9 листопада 2016


Council of young scientists FSPO organized scientific seminar “Modern requirements for publication of articles in scientometric publications. How to prepare, submit and finalize the article. ”
At the seminar were invited – Head of the Editorial Department Zagoruiko Lyudmila, who briefed the participants with the requirements and opportunities to publish articles in scientometric databases (Web of Science, Scopus, Index Copernicus, Astrophysics, PubMed, Mathematics, Chemical Abstracts, Springer, Agris, GeoRef) requirements for structures such articles.


During the workshop, members of young scientists were able to discuss specifics rapid exchange of information on the achievements of scientists regardless of their location. These problems are not only technical, but also organizational, verbal, financial and other aspects. The need to address the obvious, as this depends on the success of social development in many areas, including the training and certification of scientific personnel.
Given these realities, and problems with access to premium international scientometric databases and lack of citation of our publications, we need to take a number of organizational measures.


In particular, it is necessary to resolve the presentation of abstract information about all of our scientific publications not only in the national information space, but also abroad, and activate publishing by presenting to the world our system works, mostly English-speaking, Articles accordance with the established requirements.


Practical implementation of these measures should facilitate the rapid entry of the university to the modern world system of scientific communication.