Rated selection of entrants in 2019

22 липня 2019

During the 2019 admission campaign, admittance to higher education institutions in Ukraine will take place taking into account the pre-selected applications.

At the same time, applicants can apply for up to seven applications for state and regional placements in no more than four different specialties. Submission of applications for training under the contract is not limited.

Priority of applications

Each entry is given priority by the entrant. Priority is the order of the applications (from 1 to 7, where 1 is the indicator of the highest priority statement), which determines the order of consideration of the application when joining budget places. The applicant’s prioritized statements can not be changed.

Priority is applied when enrolling in a bachelor’s (master’s degree in medical, pharmaceutical or veterinary) studies on the basis of full general secondary education by state or regional order.

Rules for forming a rating list

The rank list of entrants is formed by categories in the following sequence:

  • Entrants who have the right to enroll on the results of the interview (only on the basis of complete general secondary education);
  • Entrants who have the right to enroll in quota (only on the basis of full secondary education);
  • Entrants who have the right to enroll in the general conditions.
  • Entrants who have the right to enroll on the results of the interview, arranged in the ranking list by alphabet.

The rating list of entrants who are entitled to enrollment for quotas and who have the right to enroll in the general conditions is arranged as follows:

  • first by a competitive ball – from big to small;
  • then by the priority of the application from 1 to the last;
  • in the last place by the middle point of the certificate – from the greater to the lesser.
  • If the specified rules do not allow to determine the sequence of entrants in the rating list, the admissions
  • committee of the educational institution shall make the appropriate decision on its own, based on the analysis
  • of submitted documents.

Rules for adjusting the rating list

In accordance with the conditions of admission to higher education institutions, after the completion of the deadline for filing applicants, each rating institution shall establish a rating list of applicants for each specialty, which will be automatically adjusted in accordance with the priorities of the applicants.

According to the admission rules, entrants who will be recommended for enrollment for training at the state budget will become entrants who, based on the established rating, will get to the places of the state order in any educational institution in any specialty.

At the same time, the recommendation for enrollment of an applicant for training will be given at the highest priority, and all applications of an applicant with a lower priority in this case will be automatically canceled, which will allow the release of the recommended lists and will allow them to automatically get to budget places in the rating lists for entrants with lower scores.

Such automatic adjustments will be carried out as long as they are necessary, and at the same time applicants who, for each subsequent automatic adjustment of the lists for the first time will fall into the places of government order, will also cancel applications with lower priorities.

It is worth noting that if an entrant enters the place of a state order in a specialty with a lower priority, he will not lose a place in the rating on a specialty with a higher priority and may enter the budget form of training on a more priority specialty in case of automatic vacancy. In this case, his statement with a lower priority will also be canceled, which will automatically allow the possibility to get into the “budget list” to another student on the list of entrants.

Such adjustments to the rating lists are carried out automatically until all budget places in all specialties in all higher educational establishments of Ukraine are filled and each of the entrants (which will have the highest rating points) will not be offered only one budget place with the highest priority for him.

For example, if the entrant is recommended for enrollment for training at the state budget for a specialty on the 5th priority, then all his statements with less priorities will be canceled. In this case, with automatic adjustment of rating lists, an entrant may be recommended for training in a specialty with a higher, 4th priority, since the lists will also exclude statements of other entrants with lower priority for them. In this case, the application of this entrant with the 5th priority will also be canceled, as in the process of adjusting the lists, he will fall into the place of government order in the 4th for himself the priority.

Publication of a rating list and admission to study

After this correction, which will be carried out automatically, a final rating list for each specialty in higher education establishments, which should be announced on the site Вступ.ОСВІТА.UA not later than 18 hours on July 26, 2019, will be formed.

Thus, after 18 hours on July 26, entrants with the highest marks will be eligible to enter the budget for only one of the seven highest-priority proposals and will have time until 18.00 on July 31 to submit the original documents to a higher educational institution, where they are recommended for enrollment .

Applicants who, for whatever reason, do not submit the original documents to a higher educational institution by 18.00 on July 31, will lose the right to enter the tuition for the state budget. In so doing, they will retain the right to enter the contractual form of study in any of the specialties to which they applied.

An applicant who fails to fulfill the requirements for enrollment on public order (not submitting original documents within certain time limits) is canceled, and his place is given to another entrant in accordance with Section XII of the Conditions of Admission to Higher Educational Institutions.

Enrollment of entrants for state or regional orders is carried out no later than 12.00 hours on August 1, 2019.

After the enrollment of entrants to the budget, the enrollment for studying for the funds of individuals and legal entities (contract) starts, which will take place within the limits of the licensed amount according to the applicant’s rating.

Transfer to vacant places of state, regional order and places at the expense of targeted privileged state loans of persons enrolled for studying with the funds of individuals and / or legal entities on the basis of complete general secondary education – no later than August 09.

Admission for admission training at the expense of targeted privileged state loans, for funds of individuals and / or legal entities – no later than September 30, 2019.

Press center of UDPU