
Day of Dignity and Freedom

\November 21, Ukraine commemorates the Day of Dignity and Freedom. The Central Adult Library in Uman hosted a watch on the memory of “Do not break the Spirit of Death”. Chernomaz TO...

Educational event “We are Strong! We remember»

The famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine will forever remain in the memory of Ukrainians one of the worst pages of the past. This page is perceived by the society primarily at the emotional level. But at...

Event on the topic: “Current HIV / AIDS Prevention Methods. Myths and ...

In order to form an idea of ​​the danger of HIV / AIDS, to reduce the risk of HIV infection, to cultivate the desire to follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle, an event was held for students of...

Happy Paw Charity Event

We very much want animals in shelters to be happier. The START Youth Center and the Gender Center of the Faculty of Social and Psychological Education organized a charity event “Happy...

A day of dignity and freedom

On Thursday, November 21, Ukraine celebrates Dignity and Freedom Day, initiated by Presidential Decree of November 13, 2014. This holiday is celebrated in honor of the beginning of two revolutions...

Visiting the University Museum

The first year students of the Faculty of Social and Psychological Education visited the “Museum of the University”. The guide told them a lot of interesting and exciting information....

British Council Youth Programs in Intercultural Dialogue and Social De...

The British Council is an international organization of the United Kingdom whose aim is to deepen cultural ties and educational opportunities. We foster friendly dialogue and better understanding...


Kindness Day

The day of spontaneous display of kindness is one of the recent initiatives of international charities. In Ukraine this holiday is practically unknown. To support the initiative, the students of the...

Visit of representatives from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan

Recently, a delegation from a partner university of Poland visited the Faculty of Social and Psychological Education. Dr. Mariusz Shinkiewicz, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy for Educational...

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