
Professional orientation work

Career guidance is the main link of the Faculty of Social and Psychological Education. In accordance with the plan of career guidance, faculty members (Boiko OM, Livandovskaya IA,) visited schools...

Volunteer students join the #I see you Initiative

Uman accepted the Smila relay race in the «#ЯТебеБачу» Initiative as part of the Open Space Project «#ДавайЗміни» Project! The idea and volunteers of the Student Social and...

FSPO Students Participate in Key Community Advocacy Training in the Co...

On September 26, the Faculty of Social and Psychological Education, together with the public organization LGBT Association “LIGA”, held a training for students of the faculty...

Opening of XII change of the camp of Action

Traditionally, on September 24, the Faculty of Social and Psychological Education opened the XII thematic change of the national-patriotic camp “ACTION” for student youth. The students...

The story of true heroes

Currently, in our eyes, history is being made – the story of true heroes. These years of war will be described in history books. Since the beginning of the military confrontation in the East,...

Presentation of the first platform for volunteers in Ukraine

Recently a presentation of the first volunteer platform for the Volunteer League in Ukraine was held in Uman. The leaders and representatives of local self-government bodies, the NGO CESNO movement,...

Volunteering is the choice of the best

We believe that you have great power and it offers the opportunity to achieve its variable effect. Talk about the volunteer movement in Ukraine today with enthusiasm in your world, calling it...

XII change of camp “ACTION” starts


Young Scientists Council

Research and innovation work enhances the active, creative beginnings of young people in the educational process, serves as a powerful tool in providing a systematic approach to the training of...

Meeting on international activities

On September 17, students of the faculty had the opportunity to attend a meeting held with the coordinator of international cooperation of the university – Ph.D., Assoc. Olga Valentinivna...

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