Faculty Information
Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna belongs to the most powerful universities in Ukraine and has the highest level – IV level of accreditation. The Faculty of Social and Psychological Education is one of the largest and best faculties of the University. He is located in the center of Ukraine, in the wonderful student city of Uman. The faculty of the young, founded in 2005, but in a short period of time, proved its worth in the scientific world, became the benchmark, an alma mater for many generations of students, who are now successfully working in Ukraine and in other countries of the world. The faculty has formed powerful scientific schools, known far beyond the borders of our country, and there is scientific collaboration with many leading universities in the world.
The faculty offers a wide range of innovative programs at various educational levels that meet modern requirements:
– Bachelor: “Social Work”, “Psychology”, “Social Security”;
– Master’s degree: “Social work. Management of Social Institutions “,” Social Work. Youth Worker “,” Psychology “,” Educational, Pedagogical Sciences “,” Management. Management of educational institution “.
Special attention is paid to practical training, so that students acquire not only theoretical knowledge. In particular, they take part in: implementation of the “Program of social and pedagogical work in recreation and rehabilitation” in cooperation with the State Enterprise “Ukrainian Children’s Center” Young Guard “through the creation of a site of social and pedagogical orientation on the basis of a temporary children’s team, in the work of the Center for leisure and recreation school-age children together with the Office of Labor and Social Protection of the Uman City Council and others.
All areas of study and programs correspond to the actual requirements of the labor market. This greatly facilitates the employment of students and graduates. Most of them get their first job while still being students. This is what the Faculty of Social and Psychological Education makes popular with young people. In addition, they have the opportunity to adapt the training program to their needs and interests, which makes learning more than just a necessity, but also, first of all, a pleasure.
In the structure of the faculty there are successfully functioning departments:
- Social pedagogy and social work (Prof. N. M. Kolyada);
- Pedagogy and Educational Management (Prof. O. M. Kobernik);
- Psychology (Prof. OD Safin).
The educational process at the faculty is provided by highly qualified faculty members – they are professionals of the highest level. Among them there are 13 Doctors of Sciences, 46 PhDs, and 9 Lecturers. In order to improve the quality of education, they improve, develop and introduce innovative learning technologies, methods of organization and control of students’ independent work, and promising pedagogical experience.
On the faculty powerful scientific schools of professors O.M. Kobernik, NM Kolyady, T.D. Kochubei, O.D. Safina, well-known far beyond our country, is conducting scientific collaboration with many leading universities in the world.
The scientific infrastructure of the faculty is branched out and innovative:
Research center of pedagogical regional studies of double submission (MES and NAPS of Ukraine);
research laboratories:
- Teacher’s Professional Development School (Prof. O. M. Kobernik),
- “Pedagogical Regional Studies of Cherkasy Region” (Prof. N. M. Kolyada),
- “Pedagogical Competence” (Associate Professor VV Boychenko),
- “Improving the skills of the future psychologist named after AI Kagalnyak “(assistant professor S.Yu. Dichtyarenko),
- Polish-Ukrainian Research Laboratory of the Psychodynamics of Jan Amos Komensky (Prof. I.I. Osadchenko);
scientific and practical centers:
- Center for Social and Educational Integration and Inclusive Rehabilitation and Social Tourism “Without Barriers” (Associate Professor M.V. Perfiliev),
- Gender Center (Associate Professor O. Kravchenko),
- Center for Family Education (Associate Professor SS Hare),
- School of Social Experiences “School of Social Knowledge” (Associate Professor GV Bondarenko),
- Center for Psychological Diagnosis and Training Technologies “Insight” (IA Levandovskaya);
student formations:
- Student Social Psychological Service (Student of the 1st year A. Mark),
- National-Patriotic Camp for Student Youth “Dyia” (master’s student of the 1st year I. Melnychuk),
- Psychological Club “Becoming” (4th year student S. Kondratiev).
Among the indicators of the publishing activity of the teachers of the faculty is the issue of 2 professional editions on pedagogical sciences (“The Historical-Pedagogical Almanac” and “Problems of Preparing a Modern Teacher”), and in 2018 the state registration of the magazines “Social Work and Social Education” and ” Psychological Journal. “
The Student Scientific Society (magistrate of the 1st year A. Kokosha) contributes to the formation of conditions for the disclosure of the scientific and creative potential of the students of the faculty; Helps to provide in-depth study and mastering of disciplines of the curriculum; Encourages and engages students in the academic life of the university; promotes the search and support of talented researchers among the students of the faculty, as well as improving the quality of professional training and qualification level of future specialists.
The indicator of high educational, methodological and scientific level of students’ training is the winning and prize places at competitions and contests of student’s scientific works.
In September 2016, the Council of Young Scientists (Associate Professor SM Prishchepa) was founded at the Faculty of Social and Psychological Education. The main purpose of the council is to increase and promote the professional growth of young scientists of the faculty, to combine their efforts to develop relevant scientific problems and to solve the priority scientific tasks, to develop the innovative activity of young scientists and to involve them in the effective propaganda of the latest achievements of science and its popularization.
In 2016, agreements were signed on the cooperation of the Councils of Young Scientists of the State Scientific-Pedagogical Library of Ukraine named after V.O. Sukhomlynsky and the Faculty of Social and Psychological Education of the Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna.
The faculty has formed its own educational and socio-educational traditions: festivals, competitions, events, etc. Including:
- City competition of social projects among pupils and students of youth “RAZOM”;
- Festival of social psychological theaters “Hear! See you! “,
- Student Contest “Make A Dream”,
- Regional competition on psychology “Family from A to Z”,
- Competition of Professional Skills “Social Worker of the Future”,
- Competition for Student Projects on Inclusive Tourism “Travel Without Barriers”
- Student Video Student Competition on Academic Integrity
- “Inspiration for tales VO Sukhomlinsky on social-psychological issues “, etc..
Consequently, the above-mentioned structure and directions of the faculty’s work, in our opinion, promote the educational, research, social-educational and cultural-creative activity of the teaching staff and students of the FSS, provide a systematic approach to the training of highly skilled personnel, and cultivate the intellectual potential of the country.
Thus, the slogan of the faculty is “The main thing in achievements is not victory, but the definition of the prospects for further development!”.